Saturday, June 21, 2008

It's time!!!

Have you ever been so busy doing mommy things that you don't have time to be a mommy? That's how I've felt all this week... I've been doing laundry and dishes, cooking and cleaning; working hard on this moms' conference; getting some planning and prep done for MOPS next year; and the list goes on. I have countless times heard, "Mommy, will you play with me?" And just as often I've replied, "Honey, Mommy really has to do some work right now. I'll play with you as soon as I can." Ugh.

But now, it's time to just be the mommy. For the next week we will watch movies and play tag and color and talk and play "Larry Boy" (which, as Gracie describes it, is a game where "we just run around and don't catch anybody"). :-) It's time to love on my children and my husband and think and enjoy. Aaaaaahhhhhhhh. I'm breathing more deeply just thinking about it.

Well, I hope to check in with you all this week, but no guarantees. If not, I'll talk to you when we get back.

Have a blessed week.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Enjoy that time loving on them.